Monday, August 9, 2010


Lately he has been surprising me a lot by everything he knows. In lots of areas I can see that I need to work with him more, but he just keeps saying things that I haven't taught him. I guess he is starting to get to that age where everything he learned isn't from me. Soon school will start and I know it will become more when it does. He also has been saying cute things lately. Like blessing the sacrament (the agua and the pan) during his night time prayer, randomly saying he thinks we should name the baby Andrew (first time he has given a suggestion that is not one of his cousins names, or his middle name) and then today at costco he told the bagger, "I know Jesus went back up to Heaven!" He got that from his talk that he so proudly gave in primary yesterday. I had him help me write the talk by showing him pictures of things he was going to talk about and him telling me what he was going to say. He started out by showing a picture of Jesus and he was going to say, "today I want to talk about Jesus." Instead he said "today I want to talk TO Jesus." Oh well, he did and was very excited to give it. Also he improvised when he bore his testimony at the end and he did really well. Also, on another note, last fast sunday he bore his testimony and he said "I know Pres. Monson is real." It was cute. Anyway, that's it for now.


  1. What an awesome little guy! I read his sayings to Ben and he thought that they were cute too. Wish that I could see him.

  2. What a cutie. It is so fun what kids say as they gain greater understanding. I'm glad you're getting these written down.

  3. Even though you may not be responsible for teaching him everything he's saying, I still think it's a good reflection on you two as parents. You definitely are teaching him, and it sounds like you're doing a great job!

  4. so cute! my kids wont get up in testimony meeting.. but hey im scared to get up so i cant blame them :) i love that he blesses the sacrament!
