Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I am back!

It worked today, I turned the day around by getting off my butt and getting outside. It was a little cold, but I raked the leaves while my kids ate snow using big leaves as plates. Who knows next they may be eating sand out of a sandbox, at least I know they will survive that! ;-) But I did get a lot done and I am feeling better, it is amazing what a little hard work and a little fresh air will do for you. And I had a moment with my kids I will never forget, at least not for a while. Daniel loves to run around the circle by my house, so he was going to and Elena wanted to go with him. So I told him she could if he would show her what to do and stay with her. So he says, you go like this Elena and starts running but crazy like, I think he is pretending he is a rocket or car. Anyway she starts to run like him, adorable, but then she turns around after a bit and waves at me with the biggest smile ever. Then every so often Daniel stops to wait for her and when she catches up to him she turns and waves. It was so cute, I think she was excited to have that much freedom, she seemed proud of herself for doing it.


  1. That's fun. It is always invigorating to work outside. Our bodies truly need it.

  2. that is so cute about the kids! i can just imagine them, i love moments like that when the kids play so cute together.
