Wednesday, November 11, 2009

somethings gotta give....

I just blah, can't get things done, can't catch up, can't do it all. Something has to give..... the question is what? I feel like everything I do is either something I need to do or something I just want to do, but helps me not get overwhelmed and go crazy. Humm...... there has to be a better way for me to run my life, the way I am doing it now isn't working. If one little thing doesn't go as planned it throws everything else in my life off, and lets face it things don't go as planned all the time. What to do? What to do? I will have to ponder that as I finish vacuuming and feed the kids dinner, and think about how I am even going to be able to do everything I need to this week for Primary and my kids b-day, way too much to do and way too little time.

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