Monday, November 1, 2010


For the month of Nov. I am going to focus on all the things I am grateful for. I have a lot to be grateful for but today I am very grateful for my family. Both my little fam and my extended family. My family is great! I love them. I am grateful for my three (yeah, still sounds weird) little ones, even on days when the two big ones drive me crazy and nights when the little one wakes me up right when I fall asleep to nurse, I still love them beyond measure. Also my hubby, I am very grateful for him. He works super hard so I can stay home and we can have the things we need. He has been great at picking up the slack these last few weeks since the baby has come. Also I am grateful for my sisters, they are awesome and they are always there when I need them, even sometimes when I don't ask for help. Also grateful for my parents, their methods my have been different, but they taught me valuable lessons and help shaped who I am. All in all I am surrounded by great people!