Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's the climb......

Sometimes it is hard to remember that life is all about the journey. We we are thinking we have soo much to do or things are so hard we should try to remember that is the point. The view from the top of the mountain is beautiful, I am sure, but much more so to the person who had to work to get there and gets to stand on the top of that mountain and take it all in, then to the person who only gets to see the picture that other person took. The same is true with life. Sometimes we spend so much time thinking about the end result of things we forget that we can't get that end result unless we do the work now. I could use so many examples, but the biggest one for me is looking ahead to when my kids are grown and able to do wonderful things and make choices and live life and I get to watch. I often think of how nice it will be when I don't have to do EVERYTHING for them. But if I don't take the time to raise them now, it wont be nice when they are older. They will still grow, but I wont have taught them the things I wanted to. There are a lot of phrases that go with this..... stop and smell the roses, life is a journey, and lots more, but I like the words to the song It's the climb. "It ain't about how fast I get there, it ain't about what's waiting on the other side, it's the climb."


  1. Each stage of life has its challenges and its rewards. You are in a really challenging stage right now but you are also in a stage which has some wonderful rewards that you'll look back on fondly later--so, as you say, enjoy the journey.

  2. When I think about my kids being able to do things for themselves and get anxious I try to remember that as thankless as 2 year-olds are, I was less thankful as a tween and a teenager.

  3. when my kids are being needy and wanting to be held all day long, and hugged 20 times before they can fall asleep, and want me to play with them every second of the day i also keep telling myself that in 10 years i wont be "cool enough" to do any of those things. and the last 10 years of my life have flown by so i am sure this will too. and while i look forward to sleeping through the night and not having people pee and vomit in my bed, i will also miss having children who want to snuggle all the time.

  4. I think you guys might have missed my point. The point was that everything the good and bad things that happen are part of the journey, not a inconvience. (yes I suck at spelling)

  5. Thank you...I needed this right now.
