Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Potty Training

So it started today. It was 0 for 4. She peed her pants twice, then twice she peed just a little we went to the bathroom and she sat there forever and never peed. Tomorrow I am going to wake up early so I can get her on in the morning, she is dry all night, so she has a lot to get out in the morning. She can hold it, I can see since she only peeded a little then held it for hours. She is dry while sleeping. She can pull up and down her pants and underwear. She will sit on the potty for a long time. She even told me when she peed a little bit in her underwear. Long story short, she is ready. I am not, potty training while prego, not my favorite, but that was a choice I made when I got pregnant so here we go. I will update here since not everyone on FB really wants to hear all about it, and well, if you don't want to read about it here, then you just don't have to. :-)


  1. day two: she is holding her pee until she no longer can. This morning she held it until her bladder hurt, and then still didn't go in the potty, she peed a little bit at a time on the floor and right in front of the tolite but not in it. I need to get her to go just that first time. I am thinking I waited too long to start potty training her, since she can hold it for so long, wish I started when she couldn't hold it so well, more chances to get her to get go on the potty. Right now taking things one day at a time.

  2. Day three: Finally she peed in the potty! Yay, she started to pee on the floor right in front of the tolite so I put her on, and this time she let it out. Her face showed me why she hadn't done it yet, she was surprised and seemed like she didn't know what was going on. But Daniel and I started to clap and cheer for her and she started smiling and laughing! She got a candy for going. Then called everyone she could think of to tell them, while taking to her Mamina she had pooped in her underwear. And the rest of the day, so far, has had two more poop accidents and lots of pee ones. I good news is she now knows what it feels like to pee on the potty. Now I just need to work on getting her to run to the potty when she feels it coming. I need to be able to devote a whole day to only helping her do this, the problem is, life does not stop when you are potty training. So far it hasn't been too bad, but I have had my moments of frustration. I wish it was going faster, but I am also happy with her progress. (and as a side note, she did sleep yesterday for nap and all last night with dry underwear, so really she is doing quite well, but still I am ready for her to be done.) So here we go, back to work.

  3. Well, one hurdle crossed. Congratulations! You'll get there and hopefully soon.

  4. So day four, she had peed by the time I got her from her room and then had one more accident at 10:30 or so. She held it the rest of the day, until 7ish and finally peed, and even in the potty!

    Day five, today, she went in the potty in the morning, held it all day, and then had two accidents in the evening.

    So five days, many accidents, three times in the potty, but only pee. So now we are working on her running to the potty when she needs to go, because I can tell she can feel when she needs to go, but she just holds it. We will get there. I am posting all of this mainly for myself, kind of journaling the process so later I can print. That way I don't forget what it was like and how I felt, and also I can give it to her when she has to potty train her child and asks me what it was like when she did. Tomorrow we have church, so we will see.

  5. okay, day whatever we are on. A few days ago she told me she had to go potty, we went and she poop in the potty! Yea! Since then she has just poop in her pants and kept playing. I have been giving her a candy if she went on the potty, today I started giving everyone one when they go. So when daniel had to go we all ran to the bathroom, he went she didn't, he got one she didn't. This made her mad and seemed like it might help her learn to run to the potty. One of the times I asked her if she had to pee she said yes, we ran to the potty, and she went! Yea! She said she wasn't done, sat there for a long time and then Daniel said he had to go, so she got off. 20 min later she poop in her pants. I don't know if that was going to happen anyway or not. So I took away her underwear, she is wearing only pants. That seemed to help Daniel when he was learning. All I know is I am ready for her to be done.
