Saturday, December 4, 2010

Okay so it has been and while.......

But I guess that is what happens when you have three kids, everything that isn't those three kids, sometimes just has to wait. But today I was thinking of something. Can't quite get the phrase, but basically there is a difference between letting yourself go and letting go. I am trying to let go. Let go of the things I can't control, let go of the lesser things. I say lesser because I can't say unimportant, sometimes the things you have to let go are important just less important then other things. Other times they aren't really important at all, but I like to overdue things and control things, so I have to work on letting go of the not important things also. I just have to take a deep breath and say in my mind, life will go on, and it always does. (This is a good thing for me to work on during this time of year, where it is easy to over due and get lost in the less important and un-important things.) So there you go....... let's hear what you got.


  1. It really is a matter of setting priorities. The hard part can be if your priorities differ from most of the folks around you.

  2. Wise advice. I completely agree. It's like Dallin H. Oaks talk "Good, Better, Best". Sometimes it's not choosing between unimportant and important, but it's choosing what is most important right now. A daily battle, I think. Best of luck. :)
