Monday, January 10, 2011


Do you control your emotions or do they control you?


  1. Ummm....I will comment later when I'm in a different emotional state. Hahahah

  2. love it Neal. I would really like to think I control mine but I am just not there. I am working on it, but it isn't easy. I would say I am in the middle, I can't control my emotions the way I want but I often don't ask on the emotions I have so I don't let them control me either.

  3. Really? People can control their emotions? Like the emotion it's self? If thats the case, why not just choose to be happy all time time?

    I know that sounds like scarcasim, it's not. I'm really curious. I've always been under the impression that when people say "control your emotions" they really mean control your response to the emotion you are feeling" ie "lie" or "pretend".

    Thats something I have no interest in doing...nor would I be ANY good at.

    So, I guess I would say my emotions DO control me. I cry when I'm sad (or mad) I smile when I'm happy. I do what I can to avoid feeling uncomfortable emotions (fear, sadness, etc) and to what I can to try and feel the ones I like (happyness, comfort, etc.)

    I don't know how alike or different that is from everyone. But I feel, like I'm more honest about it, then many.

  4. Christopher is very good at controlling his emotions, and no I do not mean just pretending he isn't having them. He has them but then can get rid of them and seriously choose to feel differnet.... something I can not do right now, but am hoping to get better at.

  5. Doode. Thats awesome. I have tried to develop that skill in the past. I suck at it. But the interesting thing that I found was trying to actually change my emotions...I discovered sometime I didn't want to. Sometimes, I just WANT to be mad. That makes no sense to me, but there ya go.
