Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Okay yesterday was the last day of my "experiment"/ detox/ diet/ veggie cleanse, whatever you want to call it. Here is a recap:
*I ate new things I have never tried before.
*I made salsa for the first time, it wasn't that good but then again I don't usually like homemade salsa because it has too much cilantro, and what do I do but put too much.
*I made homemade veggie soup for the first and second time and both times it was yummy! Later I added chicken, not bad either.
*I learned how to broil, never have done that before. Broiled peppers, pineapple, chicken, all were good.
*I lost 5 pounds
*I went 14 days without sugar, salt or any kind of fat, butter, oil, all of that.

All in all I think it was a good experience. I learned a lot and tried new things, the challenge now will just be to keep up with the four cups of veggies a day. But ins't putting what you learned into real life always the hardest part?


  1. Kudos for even trying. I definitely don't have enough guts to do that. I would agree that putting what you've learned into practice can be the hardest part. But even if you don't keep your 4 cups, perhaps you'll be better at getting 2 or 3. That would be an improvement for me. :)

  2. I just try to make about 1/2 of what I eat vegetables and fruit. Easier in the summer, when I get to eat from my garden (and I probably get plenty then, because I munch while I'm standing out there!) and in the winter time, a lot of veggies are just ug. Good job!
