Monday, November 9, 2009

H1N1- Swine Flu

The lady on the T.V, she works at the U of U health center. She says the students need to go to the doctor because they most likely have swine flu if they have any of these symptoms: sore throat, fever of more then 100, and/or coughing. Okay according to her I had the swine flu already this season, and so did Daniel. Whatever, they gave out 6000 tickets for the shot in 2 hours. What's wrong with people? Okay I am off my soap box now. Love to hear what you people think......


  1. I think there are a lot of other causes for any one of those three symptoms, in addition to H1N1. Even if there IS an epidemic happening (which I am not sure of in regards to there and I am pretty sure is NOT the case here at least at present).

    I think she should have said "because they MIGHT have... ". I had a bit of a sore throat (on account of post-nasal drip) and a cough (ditto) which I directly attribute to having been in the wood shop with lots of dust and sawdust from a type of wood I have never worked with before. I am thinking "allergies" UNLESS I also have a fever.

  2. I would like to join your soap box. In a webinar i listened to by Dr's here in utah, they said basicly they are not even testing any more and are just calling any flu like symtom, H1N1. So this largely distorts the results of their findings and blows the numbers way out of proportion. No wonder they think its an epidemic. What bothers me about it is this leads to misdiagnosing in large numbers. then all those people who don't have H1N1 but have something else, a large number of them are being treated with Tamiflu. A very dangerous drug even for extreem cases of the flu. AND then they are still pushing the vaccine on people witch is its own concoction of drugs and poisins. has Never been tested on anyone let alobe Pregnant mothers or or their babies, and has at least one chemical in it that has shown to cause miscarriage. explain that one to me.

  3. When I went to my Dr. for my regular monthly check up last week, he advised me not to get the vaccine. He also pointed out that the vaccine comes with a disclaimer saying that the government (who manufactured and is pushing the vaccine) is not liable for any damages that is causes. It also has a drug in it that is linked to causing autism in children. I really think that the reason that most vaccines exist is so that some one who is not concerned with my health can make money.

  4. I think it will be interesting to see if in a years time there is a massive increase in Autism diagnoses. The H1N1 vaccine, as it is normally delivered, has more than 3x the level of mercury (the substance in vaccines that is linked to Autism) than the government considers "safe." And yet they are still pushing it. Frankly, it makes me supremely ill.

  5. I am with everyone here. Josh was sick a little while back and he had all those symptoms and more. I had a friend that was all like "he probably has swine flu, you need to go get him checked" We took him to the Dr. not because of that but because of his history with UTI's. Just to see what the Dr would say, I asked her if there is any reason to think that it was swine flu. She looked at me like I was dumb and said "They are not even testing for it any more. He just has a virus."

    I am so glad that I didn't get the vaccine for Josh, Ben or I. I hate when people get all bent out of shape over a disease. Their parinoia is just making it worse for those that actually have the disease.

  6. I wanted to add, that ALL vaccines carry that disclaimer. When you or your children get vaccinated they should give you a little thing to read and have you sign something saying you have read it.

    PLEASE READ IT. It's long. It's boring, It WILL annoy them. But it's important. It lists possible side effects and death rates and everything. It is published by the manufacturer of the drug, to cover their a**.

    Most of my children are vaccinated against MOST things. But I urge you to read those disclaminers carefully, ask questions, and if you aren't comfortable with the risks, DON'T sign, and DON'T get the vaccine.

    //soapbox off
